Salt-Escape A Floating Island

Mathilde Schou
Bygningskunst, By og Landskab
Arkitektur & landskab

Salt-Escape is a project of the mind, where the salt mineral is connected with the energies of the water. Together they form a landscape and a program. It is a creation of a floating island under the influence of human grip and time. It is a typology formation where we have to collaborate with nature’s processes.

Salt physics experiments 

Wadden Sea, salt deposition
Great Salt Lake, salt deposition
Dead Sea, salt deposition
Site in the ocean currents

Plan and spatialization process

Salt liquid plan
Paper model
Line plan

Construction of Salt-Escape 

Floating element / Material of plastic waste from ocean currents
A tank as a base for the island
A grid as a principle / In step with the human grip
Temperate installations that maintains the climate
The skeleton where the salt can deposit and crystallize
The salt deposit
Salt-Escape's unity

Resurrection of Salt-Escape / Timeline

The time in year 0, A beginning of a new event for the world
010, The salt approaches and the development takes place
020, The programming is created
030, A relocation takes place. The people from outside are interested, and want to be a part of the island
040, The island begins to take shape
050, Tourism is taking over
060, People are getting used to the new way of living
070, The assembly of the island has taken place
080, The temptation happens. Salt-Escape must be developed
090, The expansion happened. The island has become a well-functioning organism.
Masterplan Salt-Escape


Salt Baths
Salt Ponds
Salt-Escape Island
Internal environment
External environment
Seawater abstraction

Det Kongelige Akademi understøtter FN’s verdensmål

Siden 2017 har Det Kongelige Akademi arbejdet med FN’s verdensmål. Det afspejler sig i forskning, undervisning og afgangsprojekter. Dette projekt har forholdt sig til følgende FN-mål