Shadows of Possibilities
As you sit on one of the ceramic pieces, your eyes meet the middle piece. The illustrated drawing on the surface of the piece bears the shadows cast by a single object. The visualization of how a single object (or situation) can produce various outcomes or interpretations talks about ‘the things we are given and the things we choose’. The empowerment of possibilities and the burden that sometimes follows with choices.
가장자리에 자리하고 있는 작품에 앉으면 가운데 작품과 눈이 마주치게된다. 작품 표면에 그려진 그림에는 한가지 사물이 드리운 그림자가 담겨 있다. 하나의 사물(혹은 상황)이 어떻게 다양한 결과나 해석을 낳는지 시각화하는 것은 '우리에게 주어진 것과 우리가 선택하는 것'을 이야기한다. 가능성이 가져다주는 격려와 때로는 선택에 따르는 부담감에 대하여.
Terwijl je op een van de keramische stukken zit, ontmoeten je ogen het middelste stuk. De geïllustreerde tekening op het oppervlak van het stuk draagt de schaduwen van een enkel object. De visualisatie van hoe een enkel object (of situatie) verschillende uitkomsten of interpretaties kan opleveren, spreekt over ‘de zaken die ons worden gegeven en de zaken die we kiezen’. Het toont zowel de kracht van mogelijkheden als de last die soms met keuzes gepaard gaat.
Analogue photo by Peter Vinther

encouraging people to rediscover the
extraordinary within
the ordinary moments.
Finished Pieces

Shadow shapes
Method | Inlay