paper sample

Spatial textile interventions - an exploration of textiles as identity and wayfinding

Caroline Kirstine Bjerglind Egedesø
Bygningskunst og Design
Spatial Design

I believe there's unexplored potential with working more actively with textiles in architecture. 

With this project I will propose and design a series of spatial textile interventions for three selected areas within the University Library in Fiolstræde. 

Through explorations of the notions of the fixed and the movable, distance and proximity, the project explore potential relations between textiles and architecture.

The aim of the interventions is to enhance both identity and wayfinding supporting the visitor's ability to navigate the building and the new programme.

In the three interventions, the textile becomes a transformative element, opening new opportunities within the architecture, playing with our idea of fixed and movable in a place that is in transition from library to a multipurpose platform, whose purpose if to convey and make accessible the ground of the university. This transition is supported by these textile interventions, engaging visitors to move and behave in different ways, without compromising the original structure, but honoring the essence of the historic library while contributing to a new identity.

Paper yarn is sponsored by Filona


Potential relations between textiles and architecture

textiles to soften
textile as a filter
textiles as an enclosure
The flexibility of textiles

Interior studies to contextualize the three interventions in the building

ceiling study 1
ceiling study 1
ceiling study 2
ceiling study 2
bookshelf study
bookshelf study

Through a deep analysis of the building the project explores two layers, how to attach oneself to a listed building and how to deal with textiles in the world of architecture

Color mapping

the library hall colors
the midpart colors
stair house colors

Final textiles 


Sections of final interventions

intervention 1 section
intervention 2 section
intervention 3 section

Potential configurations of the interventions

intervention 1
intervention 1
intervention 2
intervention 2
intervention 3
intervention 3

Intervention development in model

enclosure model
marking model

Det Kongelige Akademi understøtter FN’s verdensmål

Siden 2017 har Det Kongelige Akademi arbejdet med FN’s verdensmål. Det afspejler sig i forskning, undervisning og afgangsprojekter. Dette projekt har forholdt sig til følgende FN-mål
Education & Relevant Courses

Bachelor in Textile Design from the Design School in Kolding

Extracurricular Experiences & Activities

FAOD Uddannelsesudvalget

In Uddannelsesudvalget we are working to make the shift from student to full time working designer or architect easier. The initiative consists of a wide range of people from the industry, both professionals and students.

Co-chair in The Academy's Climate group

The Academy’s Climate group is an interdisciplinary student initiative, composed of students from both bachelor and master programs at the Royal Danish Academy – School of Architecture, Design and Conservation. Through skill-sharing, lectures and workshops, the group aims to provide coming architects and designers with necessary knowledge, skills, and inspiration on how to approach the climate crisis.

As a part of the group my main focus has been our reading circle, recomendations on our instagram and organizing talks with external as well as internal guests

Chair person The Christmas Bazaar

A student driven initiative at the Design School in Kolding, organizing the yearly Christmas Bazaar where the students sell their designs.

As a part of the group my main responsibilities was the contact with the stall holders and organizing the spatial layout of the Bazaar
Professional Work Experience

Intern, Studio Tomorrow, Rotterdam

IT skills
Word package
Language skills