glass bottle tests

Les cibles mouvantes

Marie Camille Schmitt
Bygningskunst og Design
Crafts in Glass and Ceramics

"Moving targets” refers to the repetitive, slow and constant movements 
in nature and their ability to capture our attention and soothe our 
emotions. Through this installation, I aimed to create a space for 
contemplation, a place to escape from our mental and emotional “ 
landscapes. This title resonates also with the craft practices in 
terms of the responses they provide to the current challenges in our 
society. To move towards a more sustainable glass practice, I have 
used crushed bottle glass as pigments to create paintings. Like gems 
from the earth, the brilliance of my glass pieces seeks to awaken the 
human attraction for gold and luxury. In generating a feeling of 
admiration I hoped to inspire a need for action and protection. 

portrait with pieces
Portrait : Peter Vinter
“ when it comes to definition, craft is a moving target. [...] craft is a cultural construct that evolves in response to changing mindsets and conditions of society.”
Peter Korn
Why We Make Things and Why it Matters: The Education of a Craftsman, Square Peg, 2015
exhibition final pieces
Exhibition at the Bornholm’s Center for Arts and Crafts, recycled bottles and window glass