Participating researchers - bios
Dag Petersson
Dag Petersson
Dag Petersson is associate professor at The Royal Danish Academy. Main research interests focus on architectural theory and political philosophy. He is currently preparing a political history of the Viking Ship Hall in Roskilde for publication with Arkitektens Forlag.
In 2013 he co-founed the international MA programme "Political Architecture: Critical Sustainability" with architect Niels Grønbæk. Between 2005 and 2009 he was head of the photography collection at the Royal Danish Library.
Dag Petersson is the author of The Art of Reconciliation: Photography and the Conception of Dialectics in Benjamin, Hegel and Derrida (Palgrave 2013) and The Making of the Other Half: Jacob A. Riis and the Mutation of Tenement Poverty (Aarhus UP, 2015). He is the co-editor of Actualities of Aura: Twelve Studies of Walter Benjamin (NSU Press, 2005) and Representational Machines: Photography and the Production of Space (Aarhus UP, 2013).
Niels Grønbæk
Niels Grønbæk
Niels Grønbæk is Associate Professor and Head of the Political Architecture – Critical Sustainability international MA program at the Royal Danish Academy – Architecture.
Among his research interests are subject didactics within architectural education, entanglements between architecture and politics – currently seen through the lenses of ‘welfare’ and ‘Critical Zone architecture’ – as well as topics such as ‘stasis’ (civil war) in relation to the spatial formation of the Greek polis during the classical period, and architectural analysis of mannerist architectures as cosmological constructs.
Jonna Krarup Majgaard
Jonna Krarup Majgaard
Jonna Krarup Majgaard is Associate Professor at the Royal Danish Academy - Architecture, where she has been Head of Institute of the Urban Planning Institute and the Public Space Research Center (KglAkademi / Realdania). At present, her research focuses on the implications (theoretical and methodological) of the philosophical ideas and theory, and aesthetics of the Post-Anthropocene on Landscape Architecture.
She gives pre- and postgraduate courses within the field of landscape architecture, urban space, and urbanity.
She has been a visiting professor at various universities in Italy, Sweden, and China.
Henrik Oxvig
Henrik Oxvig
Henrik Oxvig is associate professor and head of the ph.d.-program at the Royal Danish Academy. He has previously been an assistant professor at the Department of Art History, Aarhus University and associate professor at the Department of Art History, University of Copenhagen.
Since 2005 he has been an associate professor at the Academy of Fine Arts' School of Architecture and since 2013 at the Royal Danish Academy (formerly KADK), where he has created a PhD program, of which he is still the leader. His research concerns, how the scientific in general and art history in particular can fertilize the creative practice.