Tramo. Mobility for the Car-free City


If cars are excluded, how can we provide freedom of mobility for everyone in the city of tomorrow?

On the exhibition '70 % Less CO2' you can explore the project 'Tramo. Mobility for the Car-free City'.Many cities are starting to ban cars from urban centres to create viable streets for people.

Tramo is a mobility service for the car-free city of the future. It connects the inner city by travelling autonomously at walking speed via the main pedestrian routes, bridging the gaps between public transport hubs. 


Tramo is for trips that are too long on foot, but too short to require another mode of transportation. It is a flexible solution that doesn’t need stations and like a moving sidewalk, it provides mobility without interrupting life in car-free streets. Its universal seating layout accommodates people of all sizes and provides easy boarding and exiting for passengers with impaired mobility.

Tramo proposes a wooden construction that reflects the sustainable city of tomorrow.
