ARCH19 | Louise Dedenroth Høj

Credit: NTNU


Description: The conference aims to offer insight into gained knowledge and research projects that focus on the issues of care, health, architecture and urban design as fields of research. The conference is organized by the Institute of Architecture and Planning of the NTNU Faculty of Architecture & Design in cooperation with NTNU Health, Sykehusbygg HF, the European Research Network for Healthcare Architecture and the Nordic Network for Architectural Research in Universal Design.



RESEARCHER: Louise Dedenroth Høj

PROJECT: 'Architecture and Dementia. New Models for Care Homes'

Participation at Conference/Seminar:


TITLE: '  Building for Better Health, research & innovation in architecture & urban design for care & health'

LOCATION:  Kunnskapssenteret St. Olavs hospital, Trondheim, Norway

DATE: 12-14 June 2019

ACTIVITY:  Participant without paper (I missed the deadline).

RELEVANCE: Provides the opportunity to network and get insight into the topical discussions of state of the art and ongoing research in the field of architecture and health care research in a Nordic context.


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