Being in the Periphery, Thinking from the Periphery | Kirsten Marie Raahauge

© EASA2018

Paper at the panel Peripheral Wisdom, P029

PROJECT: 15th EASA Biennial Conference. European Association for Social Anthropology. Staying, Moving, Settling.

TITLE: ‘Being in the Periphery, Thinking from the Periphery’

LOCATION: Stockholm

DATE: 16.8.2018

ACTIVITY:  Paper concerning the periphery as both an empirical phenomenon and an analytical perspective in the panel Peripheral Wisdom, that deals with periphery as a theoretical position.

RELEVANCE: The anthropological conference dealt with movement and stability, which is relevant for the topic of transformation of welfare spaces in the provinces. The panel dealt with peripheral wisdom, which is relevant for the development of analytical perspectives concerning working anthropologically with the periphery, both in a spatial sense and concerning phenomena such as ghosts and haunting. Furthermore, the panel convenors are editing an anthology on the subject matter of peripheral wisdom, where also my paper is present, revised to the article “Here, There and Nowhere in Provincial Outskirts and in Haunted Houses” (In Review).




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