Nordic Models of Welfare and Architecture | Kirsten Marie Raahauge & Deane Simpson

© Architecture and Welfare Network

Description: The project “Nordic Models of Welfare and Architecture” will critically examine the Nordic Model from the perspectives of architecture, landscape architecture and urbanism through three workshops in Oslo, Copenhagen and Stockholm.

RESEARCHER: Kirsten Marie Raahauge and Deane Simpson

PROJECT: Architecture and Welfare Network. Nordic Models of Architecture and Welfare. 2nd workshop. Changing Welfare.

Presentation at the workshop

TITLE: ‘Spaces of Danish Welfare'

LOCATION: Copenhagen

DATE: 9-10 April 2019

ACTIVITY:  Paper concerning the research project Spaces of Danish Welfare.

RELEVANCE: Sharing ideas and findings in the Architecture and Welfare Network, which is close to the topics and perspectives of Spaces of Danish Welfare.


RESEARCHER: Kirsten Marie Raahauge

PROJECT: Architecture and Welfare Network. Nordic Models of Architecture and Welfare. 3rd workshop. Receptions and Historiographies.

Two small presentations at the workshop

TITLE: ‘Spaces of Danish Welfare’ and ‘A Welfare Situation in Tønder’

LOCATION: Stockholm

DATE: 5 - 6 December 2019

ACTIVITY:  Two small papers, the first concerning the formalities of the research project Spaces of Danish Welfare, the second concerning the findings and perspectives of the research project ‘From province to periphery

RELEVANCE: Sharing ideas and findings in the Architecture and Welfare Network, which is close to the topics and perspectives of Spaces of Danish Welfare.


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