Visusalisation Workshop 2020

Blogpost af:
Kirsten Marie Raahauge
Spaces of Danish Welfare Zoom Meeting

The Spaces of Danish Welfare research group and the Spaces of Danish Welfare visualization team met online with Joost Grootens for a workshop about visualization on May 5, 2020

Visualization plays an important part in the research of Spaces of Danish Welfare, since one of the purposes of the research conducted is to develop visualization methods capable of communicating complex and latent spatial conditions of welfare in a concrete and accessible manner. Furthermore, the visualization part of the project aims at exploring visualization as an analytical method. Therefore, our visualization team is a very important integral part of the research project. They work with gathering and analyzing material converting it into visualizations for the subprojects as well as for the overall connections between the projects.

The visualization team consists of architects: Susanne Eeg, Aleksander Nowak and Bastian Feltgen.

The collaboration with Joost Grooten is also crucial to us, since we are well aware that the interplay of text and visualization is pivotal to the project, just as the interrelationships of the different projects and disciplines of the research are communicated and analysed through visualization as well as through text. Here Joost Grooten is the expert to approach for producing a work where graphic design is part of the explorative method of the group.

Joost Grootens (NL) studied architectural design at Gerrit Rietveld Academy Amsterdam and obtained his doctorate at Leiden University. He established Studio Joost Grootens (SJG) in 1995. Joost Grootens leads the master programme Information Design at Design Academy Eindhoven and is an university lecturer at the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts of Leiden University and University of the Arts The Hague. Grootens is a tutor at the Master Urbanism & Societal Change at KADK Copenhagen, and professor Information Architecture at the Master Editorial Design of ISIA Urbino.

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