26.02.2025 Forskning og innovation Sundhed og trivsel i arkitekturen: Hvad har vi lært af coronapandemien?
Research projects Vitruvius, ”architectura…” : perspective diagram © Wellcome Trust Research projects in Architecture, Strategy and Politics The Viking Ship Hall: A Political History In 2016 Danish politicians voted to tear down Erik Christian Sørensen’s celebrated Viking Ship Hall in Roskilde, and replace it with a new building in iconic Viking style. The development of ‘a sustainable architecture’ in Gaia This research project claims that the disciplines contributing to the creation of ‘a sustainable architecture’ must work with understanding not only for the scientifically focused. Political Architecture: The Ontological Question What does it mean to say that architecture is political, that there is a political side to it? From Purgatory to district heating - extending The Last Journey within the Danish welfare state This project looks into expressions of how the handling of death is reflected in and around a significant recent Danish crematorium. Architecture, Politics and Stasis in the Greek Polis of the Classic Epoch The phenomenon of stasis is considered in relation to the birth of political under the nexus of democracy. Land, Landscape, Landscape Architecture This project makes a case for theory as an essential political element of architectural education and professional practice.
The Viking Ship Hall: A Political History In 2016 Danish politicians voted to tear down Erik Christian Sørensen’s celebrated Viking Ship Hall in Roskilde, and replace it with a new building in iconic Viking style.
The development of ‘a sustainable architecture’ in Gaia This research project claims that the disciplines contributing to the creation of ‘a sustainable architecture’ must work with understanding not only for the scientifically focused.
Political Architecture: The Ontological Question What does it mean to say that architecture is political, that there is a political side to it?
From Purgatory to district heating - extending The Last Journey within the Danish welfare state This project looks into expressions of how the handling of death is reflected in and around a significant recent Danish crematorium.
Architecture, Politics and Stasis in the Greek Polis of the Classic Epoch The phenomenon of stasis is considered in relation to the birth of political under the nexus of democracy.
Land, Landscape, Landscape Architecture This project makes a case for theory as an essential political element of architectural education and professional practice.