Online Åbent Hus 10.00 - 11.30 28.01.2025 Furniture Design - products, materials, and contexts - Meet Faculty and students
Online Åbent Hus 10.00 - 11.30 29.01.2025 Architecture and Extreme Environments - Meet Faculty and students
Blogs Kernen i Det Kongelige Akademi er vores studerende og vores forskere og undervisere. Deres kreativitet og engagement er det, der driver arkitektur, design og konservering fremad. Læs deres blogs her. FagområdeDesignArkitekturKonservering InstitutVisuelt DesignBygningskunst og KulturBygningskunst og DesignBygningskunst og TeknologiBygningskunst, By og LandskabKonservering KategoriArkitekturDesignFælles for KADKKonservering Antal posts: 27 Blog for Arkitekturens Anatomi og Fabrikation This blog will keep you updated on the newest student projects, fieldtrips, exhibitions, workshops and collaborations from Architecture's Anatomy and... Seneste post: 16.04.2024 Antal posts: 17 Blog for CollectionCare The CollectionCare project is aimed to develop an innovative system for preventive conservation of cultural artefacts targeting the needs of... Seneste post: 25.05.2022 Antal posts: 29 Blog for Nature-in How can we improve the connection between our dwelling interior space and Nature surrounding in an urban context to increasing... Seneste post: 28.02.2024 Antal posts: 111 Blog for Spaces of Danish Welfare Spaces of Danish Welfare is a research project at the Royal Danish Academy that studies the spatial aspects of Danish... Seneste post: 31.03.2022 Antal posts: 26 Blog for Virtual Scenario Responder Research project that investigates how space is experienced in the physical world versus the virtual world. Seneste post: 14.08.2023 Antal posts: 57 Rektors blog Rektor Lene Dammand Lund sætter fokus på temaer som: uddannelse, beskæftigelse, entrepreneurship, forskning og kunstnerisk udvikling. Seneste post: 23.09.2024 Nyeste indlæg Rektors blog 23.09.2024 Arkitektur og design har en nøgle til mere mangfoldigt iværksætteri Rektors blog 21.06.2024 I har modet til at betræde nye veje, vi endnu ikke kender Blog for Arkitekturens Anatomi og Fabrikation 16.04.2024 NY PUBLIKATION: Bachelorprojekter Kalundborg 2023 Rektors blog 08.04.2024 Vi værner om den akademiske frihed
Antal posts: 27 Blog for Arkitekturens Anatomi og Fabrikation This blog will keep you updated on the newest student projects, fieldtrips, exhibitions, workshops and collaborations from Architecture's Anatomy and... Seneste post: 16.04.2024
Antal posts: 17 Blog for CollectionCare The CollectionCare project is aimed to develop an innovative system for preventive conservation of cultural artefacts targeting the needs of... Seneste post: 25.05.2022
Antal posts: 29 Blog for Nature-in How can we improve the connection between our dwelling interior space and Nature surrounding in an urban context to increasing... Seneste post: 28.02.2024
Antal posts: 111 Blog for Spaces of Danish Welfare Spaces of Danish Welfare is a research project at the Royal Danish Academy that studies the spatial aspects of Danish... Seneste post: 31.03.2022
Antal posts: 26 Blog for Virtual Scenario Responder Research project that investigates how space is experienced in the physical world versus the virtual world. Seneste post: 14.08.2023
Antal posts: 57 Rektors blog Rektor Lene Dammand Lund sætter fokus på temaer som: uddannelse, beskæftigelse, entrepreneurship, forskning og kunstnerisk udvikling. Seneste post: 23.09.2024
Blog for Arkitekturens Anatomi og Fabrikation 16.04.2024 NY PUBLIKATION: Bachelorprojekter Kalundborg 2023